Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Back in black! Sweatpants!

Wow, I'm sorry you had to see me like that! My last entry was depressing. Forgive and forget? 

Order of the day. Pre-dawn yoga and reciting. That'll fix anything! A mantra and a mission and I'm good. Dreaming of sweatpants today, for later. Gonna wash the dirty bedsheets (Got vomit?) and then enjoy a day of juicing and kickin' back.

Meanwhile, enjoy a post I wrote over at my mom's blog, LDS Wallflowers.
Of fatigue and food storage

Thursday, January 3, 2013

No more magic feather

I thought a fun show, some chocolate truffles, and speaking in a soft, steady voice would make for the beginnings of a great day.

But I am still me, a little sensitive sometimes to harsh words. Wish I could have hid my head under my paws all day like a scared puppy does. Instead I replayed some hurtful comments made to me a few days ago over and over in my head.

Let me tell you honey, it isn't easy hiding from your own thoughts.

I felt lame today. Like as in can't walk sort of lame.

And where was my magic box in all this? My spankin' new apparatus that is supposed to help me through this sort of thing? My PEDOMETER held out on me today. I put one foot in front of the other and eked out the basic daily responsibilities and maybe read a bedtime story and did one pajama dance with my kids.

Step count for the day:
529 steps

Emotional little bugger. There is another pedometer waiting out there for me, one to be counted on.

Pun intended!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A girl and her pedometer

Pondering the universe is one of the things that makes me tick. I'm more head-in-the-clouds than grounded and I am as sincere as the day is long. But I like to learn from others too and I learned something from a girlfriend of mine.

Being reflective and heartfelt does not get mama her pearls! :)
So I snuck off during an opportune moment this Tuesday for a little retail therapy.

I bought a pretty tinkling necklace with feather charms and turquoise beads, I bought two cinch-belts to remind myself that I even have a waist, what with all the boxy sweaters and shirts I own. My impulse purchase, though, was a *pedometer*.

For having bought this baby on a whim, I am surprisingly attached. I am loving it more than the other baubles I bought. Whoulda thunk! I've been zooming up and down my tri-level house like nobody's business. How many steps does it take to dejunk a room? Add in the steps taken cooking breakfast for seven, stain-treating a week's worth of clothes, and prepping for all the household errands. I even got excited racking up the numbers for unlimited diaper changes and getting the rascals down for their naps! But it was fun to be so productive, I felt more energetic and had a more optimistic attitude after seeing less clutter piled up. There are other perks too, like finding hidden candy stashes (I found three!) and keeping up on general mayhem before it gets out of control. But the best is counting the steps!

2470 steps
After doing time around the house and getting the little one to bed I was ready to get some playtime in. I started telling myself to comb the house for the gloves my bigger boys would need to play in the snow. "I'll be generous," I thought. "100 steps more should be enough to get everything ready."

2994 steps
Figure I've scoured the house long enough by now. Good thing those gloves can't grow legs and just take off! We'll try again another day.
Instead: Rainbow nerds and back-to-back episodes of Phineas and Ferb.

I'm not complaining!